Texas Congregate Meal Initiative Virtual Summit
In collaboration with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, the Administration for Community Living, and the Texas A&M Mays Business School, PPRI is helping 16 community-based congregate meal providers develop and test low-cost innovations that will increase congregate meal participation and expand benefits to seniors. This project, known as the Texas Congregate Meal Initiative, or TCMI, first surveyed older Americans, healthcare workers, and senior-serving organizations, then conducted 29 focus groups with congregate meal providers in the state’s 28 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) regions. Sixteen local nutrition providers were then selected to form a Learning Collaborative. The pilot sites received technical assistance to learn from each other and from subject matter experts as they planned innovations in the areas of technology-based programing, wellness education, branding, and creative dining.
PPRI will be hosting a virtual summit on September 28th and 29th to showcase the successes and findings of the project.
Registration for the summit is free!